First Time Home Buyer Bellbrook Ohio
Common Questions from First time Home buyers Bellbrook Ohio
Why should I buy, instead of rent?
Answer: A home is an investment. When you rent, you write your monthly check and that money is gone forever. But when you own your home, you can deduct the cost of your mortgage loan interest from your federal income taxes, and usually from your state taxes. This will save you a lot each year, because the interest you pay will make up most of your monthly payment for most of the years of your mortgage. You can also deduct the property taxes you pay as a homeowner. In addition, the value of your home may go up over the years. Finally, you’ll enjoy having something that’s all yours – a home where your own personal style will tell the world who you are.
Can I become a homebuyer even if I have I’ve had bad credit, and don’t have much for a down-payment?
Answer: You may be a good candidate for one of the federal mortgage programs. Start by contacting a real estate agent and he will inform you of all of the programs available to you.
Are there special homeownership grants or programs for single parents?
Answer: There is help available. Start by becoming familiar with the homebuying process and pick a good real estate broker. Although as a single parent, you won’t have the benefit of two incomes on which to qualify for a loan, consider getting pre-qualified, so that when you find a house you like in your price range you won’t have the delay of trying to get qualified.
Should I use a real estate agent? How do I find one?
Answer: Using a real estate agent is a very good idea. All the details involved in home buying, particularly the financial ones, can be mind-boggling. A good real estate professional can guide you through the entire process and make the experience much easier. A real estate agent will be well-acquainted with all the important things you’ll want to know about a neighborhood you may be considering. With immediate access to homes as soon as they’re put on the market, the agent can save you hours of wasted driving-around time. When it’s time to make an offer on a home, the agent can point out ways to structure your deal to save you money. He or she will explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of mortgages, guide you through the paperwork, and be there to hold your hand and answer last-minute questions when you sign the final papers at closing. And you don’t have to pay the agent anything! The payment comes from the home seller – not from the buyer.
How much money will I have to come up with to buy a home?
Answer: Well, that depends on a number of factors, including the cost of the house and the type of mortgage you get. In general, you need to come up with enough money to cover three costs: earnest money – the deposit you make on the home when you submit your offer, to prove to the seller that you are serious about wanting to buy the house; the down payment, a percentage of the cost of the home that you must pay when you go to settlement; and closing costs, the costs associated with processing the paperwork to buy a house. When you make an offer on a home, your real estate broker will put your earnest money into an escrow account. If the offer is accepted, your earnest money will be applied to the down payment or closing costs. If your offer is not accepted, your money will be returned to you. The amount of your earnest money varies.
Kelly Nation, Realtor
HER Realtors
Dayton, Ohio 45459


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First Time Home Buyer Bellbrook Ohio | First Time Home Buyers Bellbrook Ohio